Computer generated 3D animation.
Solo project from initial idea generation to completion. Created in Photoshop, ZBrush, Substance Painter, Houdini, Maya, Nuke and After Effects. Rendered in Arnold.
Set in the brambles of the English countryside, a lone harvest mouse is foraging in the late afternoon sun. Spotting a tempting blackberry out of reach, the mouse, who is bravely balancing on a young neighbouring branch, is determined to reach the plump fruit. With its tail wrapped around the branch for balance, a skill unique to the harvest mouse, the mouse tentatively strains to reach the irresistible berry. The branch bowing with the weight of the mouse, it is just able to tickle the fruit with its fingers. As the mouse grabs hold of the berry after one big stretch, the branch gives way, leaving the mouse dangling from its coiled tail. The bramble recoils with the loss of the berry leaving the delighted mouse, gently swaying, with its blackberry held tight.
Cornetto Trilogy Vehicle modelling and texturing
Low poly vehicle and asset modelling and texturing to a design brief.
Solo project created with Photoshop, Maya, ZBrush, Substance Painter and After Effects. Rendered in Arnold.
Lighting and compositing
Solo project. Lighting and rendering in Maya with V-Ray. Compositing in Nuke
My Nuke compositing network
Bear Hunt
Hand-drawn, rotoscoped frames with oil pastels. Video editing done in After Effects
“Using a selected memory, the tool of rotoscoping was employed to uniquely capture a moment. To help portray the playful and joyous emotion, the animation was created with oil pastel crayons and bright colours. Small, collaged sections of the animation reveal the true image underneath, tempting you to the memory just out of reach before fading away into the subconscious, almost as quickly as you remember them.
A dream-like reality, achieved with rotoscoping, is exemplary in delivering emotion to the audience. Rotoscoping is an excellent tool for capturing and illuminating human qualities and idiosyncrasies that are often overlooked. Memories often hold strong significance to the circumstances that surround them, so the level of personalisation that rotoscoping can provide is fitting when retelling such memories. In this artefact, rotoscoping is used to depict the mannerisms unique to each figure. By permitting the use of omission, rotoscoping generates an echo of a memory without losing the essence of the moment."
Visualising the unseen
Hand-painted loop inspired by local, windswept memorial tree.
“A single windswept tree lies atop the highest point in Gloucestershire. The horizontal nature of the tree’s branches, parallel to the wind direction, act as stark evidence of the element’s effect on the tree’s growth. The forces of change are not visible minute by minute, but rather year on year as the branches steadily extend further. The silhouette of the tree is itself an index of the years of wind it has endured, indirectly visible even on a calm, windless day.
Through the power of movement, the aim of the animated loop was to reveal the wind as an immediate presence, to allow the visualisation of environmental mutability, as opposed to viewing it purely through its effects. Reversing the expectation of movement from the tree to the wind created a focus on the typically invisible elements that nature is exposed to.”
Mindfulness for Calm.
‘The Breath’
Commissioned 2D animated loop for Mindfulness series.
3D exercises
Bouncing Ball animation